Health Tourism


 The tourism sector has emerged as a highly valuable industry, contributing significantly to job creation and fostering positive economic transformations through its various sub-sectors. Notably, one particular area that has garnered special attention within the tourism industry is health tourism. Here, we delve deeper into the world of health tourism.

  • What is Health tourism?

 There are Various definitions for medical or health tourism, yet according to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), medical tourism is defined as follows:

 Health tourism, also known as medical tourism or therapeutic tourism, refers to the utilization of services that bring about favorable alterations in people's mood and behavior. These alterations may encompass changes in climate for a duration exceeding 24 hours but less than a year and occurring at a considerable distance from individuals' primary places of residence.

  • How and where did this type of tourism come from?

 This form of tourism has its roots in ancient Roman times, eventually taking shape in various European nations. Notably, a fascinating aspect of health tourism throughout history has been people's enduring fascination with utilizing mineral water springs and thermal waters. Consequently, certain hot springs and mineral water sites have consistently served as enjoyable tourist destinations.

For instance, in America, there has long been a hot spring known as Saratoga Springs, which has developed into a thriving commercial area within the tourism sector over the past two centuries. This site provides tourists with suitable accommodations and dining services, offering a well-rounded experience.

Over time, this form of tourism has evolved, expanding beyond the provision of services such as hot spring usage and accommodation in favorable climates to incorporate medical services. Presently, a significant number of individuals engage in health tourism to access various medical treatments and services.

  • How many sub-branches does health tourism have?

 In general, health tourism has three sub-branches:

  • Medical tourism:

As implied by its name, medical tourism entails individuals traveling to seek treatment for their ailments or undergo surgeries. This branch of tourism allows patients to pursue their treatment procedures at comparatively affordable costs.

 Notably, medical tourism constitutes a critical and delicate aspect of the tourism industry, as it directly concerns the life and well-being of the tourists. The advancement and sustainability of the medical tourism sector within a country heavily rely on the quality of its medical services and infrastructure.

  • Curative tourism:

Naturopathy tourism involves individuals visiting locations that offer natural treatment services for patients. Within this form of therapy, tourists can take advantage of natural resources like hot springs (spas), salt lakes, sunlight, medical massage therapy, herbal baths, and revel in a naturally beautiful environment.

Naturopathy tourism boasts a significant number of enthusiasts and has the potential to foster a substantial economic upsurge in a particular region.

  • Wellness Tourism:

This category within the realm of health tourism primarily focuses on mental well-being. In wellness tourism, individuals typically seek out locations for relaxation, aiming toget away from the city's hustle and bustle and alleviate various concerns. Health tourism serves as an apt option for effectively addressing mental health issues.

  • Reasons for the emergence of this tourism type worlwide:

The main reason behind the growth of health tourism worldwide is the access to medical and therapeutic services. Essentially, travelers select their desired destinations based on their particular needs for medical treatment. Thanks to advancements in science and technology, several countries have gained recognition for their excellence in different medical specialties, attracting an increasing number of health tourists from around the globe. Additionally, in addition to the quality of medical care, the cost of these services is also a crucial factor influencing the demand for this type of tourism. 

  • Health tourism in Iran

Tourism is known as the third most profitable industry globally. Although Iran is recognized among the top 10 countries worldwide for its natural tourism attractions, its influence on the country's economy is somewhat constrained. Nevertheless, there has been some development in the field of health tourism. Notably, Iran has been making gradual strides in this sector. For example, every year, many tourists travel to Iran for medical treatment in various specialties.


Services such as:

  • Heart, eye, and plastic surgery
  • Various transplants including liver transplants
  • Treatment for infertility
  • Management of cancer-related diseases
  • Dental procedures


  • Prominent Provinces in Health Tourism: 
  • Fars province:

The city of Shiraz serves as a notable medical hub that excels in various domains, especially in organ transplantation, particularly liver transplants. The establishment of a specialized hospital dedicated to organ transplantation has significantly bolstered Shiraz's attractiveness for medical tourists. As a result, Shiraz has emerged as one of the leading cities in Iran and the Middle East, particularly in the realm of health tourism.

  • Yazd province:

 With its abundant historical landmarks attracting tourists, Yazd province has attained significant accomplishments in the realm of health tourism. The Yazd Infertility Center stands out as one of the largest infertility treatment centers in the Middle East, positioning Yazd as a key player in the global health tourism landscape.

  • Mazandaran province:

 The Mazandaran province offers a distinctive climate that is conducive to medical tourism. Moreover, the area's mineral waters and hot springs attract a considerable number of tourists every year.

Iran's success in drawing a large number of international patients annually is attributed to the presence of proficient and experienced medical practitioners, well-equipped medical institutions, and the use of advanced medical technologies.

Additionally, here are five well-known companies involved in the domain of health tourism in Iran: 

  • AriaMed Tour

 AriaMed Tour, also known as Aria Health Tour, operates in the health tourism sector, providing a wide array of medical, lodging, and tourism services to patients seeking treatment at Iranian medical centers. With the aim of streamlining the process for foreign patients traveling to Iran, the company has developed various treatment and travel packages. Through the promotion of the proficiency of medical experts and the showcasing of reputable hospitals, AriaMed Tour has simplified the accessibility of its services for interested individuals. Notably, the company has focused on implementing effective marketing strategies, particularly in the field of medical services and cosmetic procedures. 

  • Raadina Travel Co.

 Raadina Travel Company operates across various sectors within the tourism industry. Operating under the Radina Salamat brand, the company specializes in health tourism, particularly focusing on infertility treatment. With official licensing from the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization and the Ministry of Health to facilitate medical services for international patients, as well as a visa procurement license from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the company has established itself as a prominent entity in the medical tourism domain.

In its efforts to streamline and simplify the treatment process for both domestic and international patients, Raadina Travel Company collaborates with reputable medical centers nationwide, offering comprehensive coordination and guidance to ensure optimal patient care.

Notable services provided by Raadina Salamat in the realm of medical tourism include the review of patients' clinical and diagnostic documents prior to their trip, cost estimation, visa procurement, issuance of travel insurance, patient hotel reservations, provision of translators and assistants, as well as coordination with medical centers to facilitate medical procedures.

An outstanding feature of Radina Salamat is its specialized focus on infertility treatment, enabling the company to extend its valuable services not only to domestic patients but also to individuals from countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and those within the Persian Gulf region, thereby fulfilling the aspirations of couples seeking to conceive. 

  • Modo trip

With extensive experience and expertise in the realm of online businesses, the Medotrip team has earned recognition as a trailblazer in offering online medical and beauty services. Having initiated its ventures in the sphere of health tourism, this group has significantly streamlined the process for international patients, facilitating seamless and smooth coordination with physicians, offering medical and beauty consultations, simplifying expense payments, and ensuring a comfortable and convenient stay in Iran.

 Establishing a network of Iranian doctors, Medotrip has effectively enabled prospective clients to access high-quality and ersonalized services, making it easier to schedule appointment and fostering better familiarity with the physicians and their professional backgrounds. 

  • Iran Medtur

 Salamat Andishan Rah Abrisham Company (operating as SILK ROAD HEALTH CONSULTING Co.), known as Iran Medtor, commenced its activities in the health tourism sector in 2014 with official licensing from the Ministry of Health and Tourism and the Tourism Organization. The company's primary objective in this venture is to showcase the expertise of physicians, medical services, and various medical centers and hospitals in Iran, particularly in Tehran. Through this initiative, the company has effectively delivered invaluable services to both local and international patients.

  • Nikan Parto Abbadis (Iranian Surgery)

 Nikan Parto Abbadis company, operating under the brand name “Iranian Surgery”, initially embarked on its journey by concentrating on attracting patients from Persian Gulf nations to Shiraz medical centers. Over time, this startup has broadened its scope to offer consultancy services to hundreds of patients on a monthly basis, fostering collaborations with numerous domestic and international medical centers. Iranian Surgery's key services include facilitating connections between international patients and top-tier physicians and hospitals, pre-trip cost estimations, visa and accommodation coordination, trip planning, provision of insurance policies, as well as the provision of translators and guides for accompanying patients.